I honestly cannot believe our sweet boy is ONE already!
When I tell you the story of how I got my husband on board for adding our sweet golden doodle, Loki to our family last year you are going to laugh. It is honestly one of my favorite stories to tell.
To preface, my husband loves dogs and we both knew we wanted one eventually. I have wanted a golden doodle for as long as I can remember and quite honestly was really getting sick of waiting, haha! So after we signed a buyers agreement on our home and waited for it to get completed, I kept thinking about how now would finally be a good time. Mitch and I, however were not on the same page about the timing – although looking back it seems crazy because he is so obsessed with him and is honestly the best dog dad I could’ve ever asked for.
I guess let’s get into it!!
We signed the buyers agreement on our home at the end of January and knew we would be moving in mid-July. I started talking about how we should get a dog when we move into our home, he was against this idea because of it being a new home. I agreed until April rolled around and the PERFECT puppy was born and would be ready for us to pick up mid-June. He was everything either of us wanted in a puppy (medium blonde, wavy and a boy), it just seemed like maybe the timing was off because we would ‘t quite be in our home yet. In fact, we would be living with my parents between our apartment and our house for June and part of July. My parents, hesitant at first, agreed to letting us bring our puppy there and it ended up being better than bringing him home to our house as they have a fenced in, GRASS filled yard and an older dog for Loki to learn from. It couldn’t have worked out better.
Back to the story, this litter was an english cream golden doodle litter (supposed to be mini but a story for another time, lol). The puppies were all blonde, but the darkest blonde colored boy had wavy hair (so everything we thought we wanted looks wise) and I honestly KNEW that he was meant for us – Mitch didn’t agree at first. There was no other puppy in the litter that really felt right to me.
The next night the breeder reached out to me and told me that ‘my’ puppy had been claimed from someone else. I was SO sad but had to move on because I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I think he meant this as a joke but when I told Mitch, he goes “If that puppy for some reason comes back available, we will get him and put the deposit down.” This was unlikely, right? Probably why he said it, haha.
I KID YOU NOT… the breeder messages me not even five minutes later saying the buyer changed their mind to a female!
To say that I was excited would be an understatement and although Mitch was like “no freaking way” he followed through with what he said and we paid the deposit that night. From that moment on he was honestly just as excited as me (even if he wont admit it).
One year later and he couldn’t have been a better choice, we both are so obsessed with him and our lives definitely are better with him in it.
Thanks for reading this funny little story, here are some photos from his birthday:

Click HERE for the recipe link I used for making Loki’s birthday cake, he seemed to love it!
**I did add blueberries and bananas to the topping for a more decorative look (& he loves them)
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