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Things I Have Learned From Being Engaged

Hey friend, being engaged is such an EXCITING time in our lives, but I also know that planning a wedding can be hard and stressful – I was right there with you! Today I wanted to share some things that I have learned from being engaged for a year and a half. Buckle up, this list is LONG!

  1. If something doesn’t go as planned, the only people who will know is you and whoever has helped you with planning – your day will be perfect regardless.
  2. You will fill out more forms and questionnaires than you can probably count and most of them will be filled with a lot of the same questions.
  3. You will need to have a to do list (or multiple if you are like me, lol) so that nothing gets forgotten.
  4. Creating a to do list for BOTH of you is a great way to get both of you actively involved with wedding planning!
  5. Honestly, you will really need to stand your ground for the things that you and your fiance really want
  6. You will need a large area (or a closet) that is designated for all of your wedding stuff. There will be a lot of stuff and it will be important to keep it all together.
  7. In addition to that, you will want to keep it all organized – especially if other people will be helping you set up. I organized all of my wedding stuff into totes and labeled them with what was inside and what they are for so that setting up is as simple as possible.
  8. Have a spot for your wedding dress and things your fiance cannot see and make sure he knows that it is off limits.
  9. Whether you think you do or not, YOU KNOW what you want. Trust your instinct. Try not to ask anyone else’s opinion (except your fiance)! I made this mistake and it honestly just makes you MORE conflicted.
  10. Create a wedding mood board so you can visualize everything – I used a basic presentation template on Canva. I created a basic mood board for the entire day and then broke it down even further. Once my wedding is over, should I do a tutorial? or share mine?
  11. It is important to have days of NO wedding planning or wedding talk. Schedule days to plan together and fun dates of no wedding talk (unless you really want to!)
  12. Family drama tends to work itself out. Ddon’t get down and don’t cave under pressure. Show grace, but remember it just really isn’t your problem, it’s theirs and they can handle themselves.
  13. The days fly by (I mean I was engaged for a year and a half and I still feel this way) and it’s important to enjoy them – you only go through the planning stage once. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and celebrate you, step back from the people who don’t.

I am so appreciative of Mitch who held my hand as we walked through this crazy adventure together. I am so thankful for him reminding me to keep my head high and not let all the little things bother me so much.

Wedding planning can be stressful and hard at times, but keep your head held high – YOU GOT THIS!

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